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> Sweetie Belle walked briskly ahead of Apple Bloom, Apple Bloom following behind, casting a glance or two back at Ponyville.

> Which had an almost unfamiliar quality to it, though she couldn't put her finger on it.

> They moved up the hills. Despite how short a time Apple Bloom had been walking she felt quite tired.

Maybe it was the harvest yesterday?
> No, it was mid spring. What was Apple Bloom thinking?

> Apple Bloom trotted up to catch up to her friend.

> "Are ya sure ya can't tell me what this Mare on the Mountain is?" 

> "Mare in the Mountain, Apple Bloom," Sweetie Belle corrected.

> Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. 

Sweetie Belle doesn't have ta act so corrective of grammar. I wish Scootaloo hadn't started teasing her with those dictionary jokes. She's taken it ta heart!
> "Yeah, whatever. Are ya sure ya can't tell me nothing?"

> "Weeeeeeeeeeell, I kinda want to see your reaction. It's cool that you haven't seen her yet and I get to share it with you."

> "Come on Sweetie... Nothing?"

> "I can't tell you much, but let's just say she's like Scootaloo, only much bigger."

> That answer conjured some pretty weird images in Apple Bloom's youthful mind.