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> It had been several hours.

> The green grass had given way to the brown and gray rock of the mountain, which they where now just beginning to ascend.

> She felt downright exhausted. The conversations had been scattered and everything had been in a haze.

> She looked wearily at the mountain.

> "How long is this gonna take?"

> "Not too much, the Mare in the Mountain lives in the Mountain, she's only like a quarter the way up in the caves."

> "Look, it's Scootaloo!" Sweetie Belle said excitedly.

> Apple Bloom turned her gaze to where Sweetie Belle looked.

> She saw a small dot of orange with a tiny splash of purple color a fair ways up. 

> As Sweetie Belle called enthusiastically the orange object rolled down the mountain side.

> Scootaloo just seemed to roll on down the mountain in a ball shape with her tail and colors being the only things that were still distinct.

> It confused Apple Bloom, but perhaps not as much as it should have.

> "Hi, Apple Bloom. Hi, Sweetie Belle. Glad you could finally make it!" 

> Scootaloo had finally reached them and now looked to be a normal preteen filly.

> Something seemed off but Apple Bloom couldn't put her hoof as to why.