> "Hi Scootaloo! Have you seen this Mare in the Mountain yet?"
> "Yes, though not on this trip, I was still searching for her when you came here," Scootaloo said in a tone, almost with a hint of enthusiasm that seemed too bubbly and unnatural for her.
> "Guess what Scootaloo, Apple Bloom hasn't even heard of her yet!"
> "You haven't heard of the second coolest mare in all of Equestria?" Scootaloo asked with similar incredibility to Sweetie Belle earlier.
> "No, I haven't. Still confused to what all the big deal is about."
> "Apple Bloom she is so cool, she's got these awesome wings and fags a-"
> "Scootaloo! Don't spoil it. I want to see the look on Apple Bloom's face when she sees her for the first time since she never even heard of her before."
> Scootaloo looked annoyed at being interrupted.
> "I honestly would like to know at least a little," Apple Bloom said in a pleading, almost whiny tone.
> Sweetie Belle sat down on the ground and pouted.
> "Why do you want to spoil it though? Doesn't seem as fun."
> "Quite acting up! Spoilers make things more exciting!"
> Scootaloo looked at Apple Bloom for support.
> "Isn't that right?"
> "Well... "
> "No they don't. I hate that you always see all the movies and plays first and go spoil them to us. No matter how many times we tell you otherwise!" Sweetie Belle shot back, glaring.
> "We? I think you mean yourself, Apple Bloom always wants to hear them too, only you beg!"