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> Apple Bloom cringed. She didn't like to see her friends fighting, especially in the middle of an adventure.
> "q-q-quiet y'all will ya?!" Apple Bloom started with a slight stutter before gaining confidence.
> For whatever reason, Apple Bloom felt a meekness within her that gave her a slight hesitance to act. Usually she'd jump right into the fray and sometimes get dragged right along into it.
> Something else was bugging her but she couldn't put her hoof on it. She felt insecure somehow.
> Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were still giving each other dirty looks.
> "Apple Bloom, do you really want to just wait till we find her before you know what you're getting into?"
> Sweetie Belle looked at Apple Bloom with a hurt expression.
> "You don't really want to spoil it do you? I want to see your blind reaction to it."
> Apple Bloom didn't know what to say. Sweetie Belle looked like she was about to cry but Scootaloo looked mighty angry. Too angry.
> Sweetie Belle's sadness seemed a bit much, considering she was just fine when she didn't know Apple Bloom wasn't previously aware of the Mare in the Mountain.
> "Maybe Scootaloo could tell me a little bit but not enough to spoil it?"
> Apple Bloom hoped her proposal would settle it.
> Scootaloo looked with annoyance with Sweetie Belle before saying: "Fine, but don't blame me if we are board out of are minds for the next several hours."