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> "Let's eat lunch!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed, seemingly back to the happy mood she was in before.

Sweetie is easily distracted I guess?
> Before she knew it, all three of the crusaders were sitting upon the ground eating daisy sandwiches.

> Apple Bloom had eaten about three fourths of her sandwich. Her hunger had gone now as she just nibbled on it while occasionally engaging in light chit chat.

> It was all banal and inane, the usual, some brief mentions of the Mare in the Mountain as per their compromise (apparently she had a fearsome monster like appearance and was relatively tall, though she didn't know how much of that was Scootaloo's exaggerations), and idle talk of their interests.

> At the moment Apple Bloom had taken an interest the dirt, as sometimes would happen when Scootaloo went on (and on) of bragging about Rainbow Dash's latest feat.

> Their was a fairly nice dirt layer here.

> There was a stick near by.

> She wrapped her hoof around the stick and started to make aimless lines in the dirt.

> And then a circle.

> And then she turned that circle into a puffer fish.

> Things went wrong from there.