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> Apple Bloom's thoughts where gone from the outside world.

> The dirt was her canvas. 

> Various lines formed upon it, some of which she didn't even remember drawing.

> It was a mix of abstract shapes, fish, ponies shaped like fish, and bladed weapons.

> Some of the bladed weapons were impaled in the fish.

> Some of the fish had bloods and guts everywhere.

> Apple Bloom just smiled to herself. She didn't feel a rage with it. Just a curiosity.

> She knew most ponies would disapprove, especially her family.

> Why did she have to hide something so simple?

> Was that the reason she only drew in the dirt? 

> To hind it from a more permanent medium?

> Remain secret?

> Why?

> Well, as far as she knew, such imagery was probably not normal for a filly of her age.

> And she could see many being angered at violence. 

> It all just felt so off to her.