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> Apple Bloom continued to be lost in her work. She didn't really have any recollection of what she had drawn even a few moments ago.

> It was all a haze. Almost like she was dreaming or something.

> Apple Bloom watched as some of the drawings started to move on there own.

> One of the fish began to walk upon its tail fins. Another pulled out a sphere that had been impaled with and began to collect its scattered guts on the ground. 

> The pufferfish began to sing, though she couldn't make out a word it said.

> She felt a little fear of the drawings before her, yet curiosity was wining out.

> The drawings all went about their own affairs, some doing random things and some acting out the scenes they were drawn in.

> Apple Bloom felt briefly very sad and guilt ridden, after all, a lot of them are in pain.

> "Apple Bloom, will you pass the pizza?"

> Apple Bloom turned her gaze away from the drawings. She saw a pizza box next to her.

Since when were we eating pizza
> Apple Bloom hoofed over the pizza box to Scootaloo, it was a rather old looking and unappetizing pizza and it had only a couple of slices left.

> Apple Bloom gazed back at the dancing drawings, only to find them much less active than before.

> Hardly moving, and a fuzz of static.

> Was that her imagination?