> "So should we just go looking for her again or do we just sit and wait?"
> Scootaloo's mouth was full of pizza, some of which fell out when she talked.
> Apple Bloom couldn't believe Scootaloo still talked with her mouth full like that. It was gross.
> "I've never come to visit before, so I guess we have to search if that's what you did last time," Sweetie Belle replied.
> Apple Bloom, her attention still divided with her drawings, was slow to reply.
> "Well, I guess that sounds fine... I mean that what ya said before."
> "Well then, come on let's get this show on the road!" Scootaloo said with an excited tone as she hoped to her hooves.
> Apple Bloom got up to her hooves, she glanced at the drawings, wondering to herself whether she should erase them or something.
> But something else soon caught her attention.
> "Look it's her! I think it's her!"
have no image for here and was meant to be marged with the one above it.