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> "It really is you!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "I can't believe you-"

> "What do you have to tell us today!" Sweetie Belle said jumping in a little hop as she interrupted Scootaloo.

> The Mare in the Mountain seemed to smile with a slightly amused smirk, her fangs ever present. 

> "It depends... what brings little fillies like you up here? I don't believe I'm familiar with your small yellow friend here."

> "Oh, that's Apple Bloom we wanted to take her to meet you and you tell us more cool stuff!" Scootaloo said as Apple Bloom tried to muster a nervous smile.

> The mare's fearsome appearance gave her some pause, though she trusted her friends (mostly).

Besides, she doesn't seem that angry or anything
> "Pleased to meet you Apple Bloom. I am Princess Cadence, though most ponies lately have been calling me by a different name now."

> "Haven't we met before... weren't you one of the flower fillies at my wedding?"

> "I... guess I was wasn't I?" Apple Bloom said, though she only had vague recollections of what Cadence was referring to. 

> Like something was familiar just below the surface.