> Apple Bloom thought of Cadence's words.
> "Isn't that kind of wrong?"
> "Yeah, sure its kind of messed up. But tell me what your desire for it?"
> Apple Bloom hadn't really thought of why she had liked it.
> It had all started when Cheerilee had given the art lecture.
> She had touched, ever so briefly, on earlier folk and found art movements.
> Though the whole idea of art (and most of the lecture did) bore her, this had gotten a bit of her interest do to her mentioning that it had been a primarily an earth pony lead movement, as opposed to most of high culture that was usually unicorn led.
> Enough for her to research it further on her own.
> What she had found seemed to just barely, barely light a small spark within her.
> She did further research on art on the fringes of society, anti-art, poor art, and even a hipster art movement called yellowish, though she hadn't really gotten into those movements and found most of it kind of strange she had soon decided that she ought to try something.
> And soon it was, she had been drawn from what small exposure she had to the strange and violent.
> "I don't know... I guess I just wanna, make something strange?"