thumbnail of Cadences_fearsome_form.jpg
thumbnail of Cadences_fearsome_form.jpg
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> "No, I can't. That's part of my nature now. At least when I'm like this."

> Apple Bloom looked Cadence's fearsome form over. The wings, the fags, the strange bat like ears, it was beautiful in a way, but also gave Apple Bloom quite negative feeling.

> "Well it seems I must bid you fare well," Cadence said as her wings began to flap, lifting her into the air."

> "Bye!" Apple Bloom heard Sweetie Belle shout cheerfully. 

> She glanced to see Sweetie and Scootaloo as happy and normal as ever. As if none of the events had transpired. 

> Or maybe they had? After all, she had to admit that was pretty cool.

> Though still a little unnerving. 

> Apple Bloom watched as Cadence flew high into the air. 

> It was rather elegant, if not a bit odd to see the bat-like movements as she disappeared to somewhere higher up on the mountain.

> Apple Bloom turned to her friends. She noticed they were already chatting amongst themselves.

> And for some strange reason Sweetie Belle was dressed in a blue dress with a spear...

> "You can wake up Apple Bloom..."

> "Wake up..."

> "Do something creative..."