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She played a part...
> honestly guys, this week has been truly active here or at the very least, the activity given to this board seems like it´s turned out to be pretty effective.
We did good. Even if it was just a coincidence, we did good. After I saw you go all out with the edit thread, with the BO at the same time making a custom Dolores CSS theme for april fools that was also quite over the top, I knew the time was to act then. even if things weren't 100% but I'll explain that in that in the fic thread in the next 2 to 3 days.
> I guess that this is my only post tonight so I give some room for reviewing the fanfic
I will get to posting sometime, but other than a couple of edits this will also be my final post for the next day or two depending on some external plans.
> So, congratulations for the golden medal. Keep posting ponies,folks..
Can't think of a better way to start for the final season...
Good night /endpone/!