Something I'd like to also emphasize is how their were other elements that got me caught of guard in a positive way too. Which is why I have a hard time saying I dislike it.
Discord. He was used perfectly. I have no other words to describe it. His death fakeout almost tricked me. When it was reviled that he was just pretending to be hurt it was two fold awesome. He wasn't just simply nerfed and written off and his motivations not only make sense here but even back to what was hinted in the season 4 final. His is slowly testing Twilight and is trying to prepare her. This is the first time I think I feel fully 100% on board with his redemption. I had liked him in other episodes and thought he made alright for fan service, but I always felt a slight reluctance with how he was handled/him being there just for fanservice points.
Cozy Glow I was surprised that I like her but I think her happy cute exterior work extremely well with the other villians. Though I wouldn't be able to judge till the season is done, I think I'm going to be enjoying her more than I thought.
Despite my grumblings with how the mane5 acted way too chill with the whole transition of power. They helping Twilight calm down and backing her up was nice and sweet.