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> Discord. He was used perfectly. I have no other words to describe it. His death fakeout almost tricked me. When it was reviled that he was just pretending to be hurt it was two fold awesome. He wasn't just simply nerfed and written off and his motivations not only make sense here but even back to what was hinted in the season 4 final. His is slowly testing Twilight and is trying to prepare her. This is the first time I think I feel fully 100% on board with his redemption

this. You have worded it better than I would. It´s like he has acted in a way that Celestia did in Horse Play: so close to trick everyone out there because of how genuine their thought are. 
This time, only that emotional fakeout happens but the main characters and him laugh at the fact that it actually occurred. FiM is special at this. It manages to get in serious business and then, laugh and not take itself seriously. That charm truly sells the show. Just because of this philosophy, the series is really hard to beat and manages to go anywhere it wants. 

> I think I'm going to be enjoying her more than I thought.
yeah me too. Episode 9 is going to be fun just because of her presence.

> They helping Twilight calm down and backing her up was nice and sweet.
/mlp/ used that image of all their hooves together and the mane 5 staring happily at her. That little moment holds something special and brings back that feeling of: "Best friends until the end of the time". At least, for one last time....