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>>/3912/ > It was busy around that time and it just felt like another stressful thing I had to keep track with, so I think I can get that. until you get to watch an opener like season 9´s one and you feel the magic all over again. Every prejudice is gone after giving the show another try. >I'd say especially on the second, anon. You have talked before of your pressure on your posts, though not recently. with what I know about your schooling that is a pain itself. yeah, you mentioned that I made an effort for the image editing thread and it´s true that I have wanted to express way more than I usually offer. I fear a little bit of getting too repetitive so I try to go a little bit further. I suppose that ambition has a price for what it´s worth. >Remember, don't let it be a burden. Even if it means you fully can't reply or just shitpost. If there is any advice I can give is to simply not sweat it. Take a few days, just chill and get through the day to day and reevaluate from there how ya feel. [/spoiler] Yeah, I read these lines back on Sunday and I decided to take a break save for posting a few nice images on Tuesday I think. I have been active for these two days so the things stay a little bit fresh and alive. The stressful period of the lab sessions is gone. I will say I still don´t promise anything and that´s why it feels like I am box full of surprises. But I am fine, thanks for thinking about me. [/spoiler] Don't worry about posting, don't worry about being a negative or trying to force positivity. If ya don't feel like watching right away thats fine too > that'll just make it a stress on your mind, you'll review it when ya feel like it and besides that was a prototype anyway.Besides, with what I know about your schooling that is a pain itself. I have watched it, twice in fact. My problem is not with the show, the show will stay, it has made its memories. That will never change. About your fic, I don´t know when I will make it justice but I will say that I had a good experience while reading it, the concept of Cadencebat is much more defined, it was a more plausible story for this franchise, much more straightforward and less chaotic than the revolution fic. There it is, taken with a general perspective. There are a few questions but for a prototype, it seems that the main sketches have already been made. Congratulations for defining her so clearly. If the review doesn´t come, at least, these words are posted for you to see.