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> until you get to watch an opener like season 9´s one and you feel the magic all over again. Every prejudice is gone after giving the show another try.

For me that was Discord that really made it feel magical...

 > I have wanted to express way more than I usually offer. I fear a little bit of getting too repetitive so I try to go a little bit further. 
 Again, my only advise here is what I have already spoken. 
 > I will say I still don´t promise anything and that´s why it feels like I am box full of surprises. 
 And that is wise. Because if ya promise ya only have pressure to deliver and the pressure prevents you from being spontaneous with random things you may just want to do over the course of the day and random post for fun. 

> Congratulations for defining her so clearly. If the review doesn´t come, at least, these words are posted for you to see.

You can say the review for whenever the core project arrives...