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thumbnail of student6.png
student6 png
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Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I see we are on oppisite ends a bit. My reaction being somewhat mixed negitive. But...

> My biggest complaint with this episode is that the everycreature expression makes me cringe a little bit (not as much as back in season 8 but I still kind of react by laughing at myself with it) and that the sequences of trying to convince their kingdom look like genuine filler (and I said genuine because the cute moments happened in those clips).

> So does that mean the conflict was insufferable? At first, I considered it like that in certainly,it is designed to develop the story with that plot device. However, there are cute moments delivered almost if not all the time

> So if I have managed to enjoy these little cute moments thrown all over the episode, it´s that my mind doesn´t feel blocked nor bothered of the plot while watching it.

> Just pure set up. I think too the pacing felt off.There was set up to get to the episode that took main plot way too long and it didn't feel like I had gotten to spend enough time with the main conflict.

> How is it barren? IDK, but when I tried to come up with things I really like I came up empty other than that one moment when I saw Silverstream doing her abstract art. Even for the rest of that whole sequence I didn't find much humor in.

>  but if there is controversy I'd imagine it has to to with the neo-tree(house) and it making the destruction of the elements episode ago feel a little cheep and without impact.

It is a simple difference in whether we enjoyed the student6's attics. We still have a lot of the same notes o possible criticisms only for you the attics and humor outweighed it while for me it didn't. Plus a consideration on the previous episodes from my part and how it affected it. Even that last part was more of an observation on controversy over a view that I fully hold (though am slightly sympathetic to). 

>  So I can only speak for myself and that´s why I quoted Supertramp because I feel that something is missing in my mentality that others get but I don´t. The episode doesn´t drive me to believe that and makes me wonder if my enjoyment has come from that same material.   

Can't say anything about the others because I haven't read any reaction period yet other than your's just now. For me though, it isn't some wide gulf or disconnect between either of are points of view despite my more negative feelings for it.  

> Well, as far as I can tell, the students have barely received any merch and I am waiting for any Ember/Thorax toy yet. But again, we have yet to see it happen because that MLP at its core has been a toy commercial from the very beginning, Hasbro isn´t delivering all that much save the princesses, the movie and the mane 6. Let´s see if they break that trend with the new building that gave a new life to the Castle of the Two Royal Sisters. 

Is Hasbro even focused on he school? Seems everything is for the rainbow special tbh. The lack of merch reminds me a bit of Bionicle during the last year. Despite all these new characters being added and a massive apocalyptic clash we only got six new sets do to Lego wanting to move on to the next thing and prep for it. Not exactly the same but just a observation of perhaps Hasbro having scraped plans to prepare for the new toyline. And besides, as I noted, I actually like the setting, or at least the idea of it. 

> The episode shares all what you have seen before and after all, it looks like a nice little cute episode that translated the same message that the mane 6 had but this time, it was directed for a new generation. Nothing groundbreaking nor it didn´t seem to attempt to go to that deep direction.

> I believe that this is one of the most misunderstood episodes because people have given it a single try by getting convinced of their own expectations and not bother to check out what´s wrong with it exactly.

I direct you to this here:
>  there also wasn't enough Treelight to counter or really anything answered.

Note: this wasn't a personal criticism here but agai