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> What´s coming next could be the peak of not judging things in a heated way and before jumping into conclusions, feel completely sure about how you see it. Uprooted to me, is a whole new level of a reaction that I don´t share with them for some reason. I´ll explain it later.

It is interesting for me to have a more mixed negative reaction to it yet not being quite off in some observations from each other. 

> the worst part of it is that you could sum up those moments with two simple sentences: "Sombra takes over the Crystal Empire and traps the owners" and "The Mane 6 solve the disaster with Rainbow Magic". That´s it. If they took such little time with those sequences and they didn´t dig deeper,it´s simply because there was nothing particularly interesting that could have gone different, just one route events. 

Purely mechanical.

> unless they wanted to play 4D chess with her all over again

This is a possibility. If they do have some explanation later that isn't an excuse I'd be just fine. It's not like it ruins the special for me. I now am wondering if the special maybe a top 10 favorite with how discord was handled.  

> logical song.

Just a little note. A family member has this as one of his favorites. I can see why you invoked it for the difference in reaction with the rest of the fandom. 

Nah, I've done way worse than that.  

> Those are complaints that come from fans but I don't share them because the intro already tells you which characters stand out besides the mane 6.

A lot. I'm not going to judge the student 6 till there storyline wraps up though. Those who hate them strongly already are jumping the gun a little too fast. Problem is that that most people want to hate them and something that is somewhat lackluster or questionable will turn to pure negativity quickly will that crowd.