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> I see we are on oppisite ends a bit. My reaction being somewhat mixed negitive. But...
the word discussion isn´t just there for decoration, you know. It had to happen someday

> It is a simple difference in whether we enjoyed the student6's attics.
basically that, it´s pretty likely that while trying to focus on wrong they were, I tried to analyze if they went out of character or check if there was something extraordinary. Sandbar showed his chill personality but also told a pretty stupid story in A Heart´s Warming Club, Smolder acts according to her wild spirit (when she shouted "I am not finished yet" I thought that Ember was telling this line) and breaks the stereotype by taking a tea like a high nobility mare (seen in What Lies Beneath), Silver Stream, besides her passion in art, she guides herself with the emotions (see her lack of confidence in WLB), Gallus follows the same pattern of a jew trying to sell an historical part of Equestria into a commercial museum just to make business (as expected from the griffons in S5E08), Ocellus acts like Fluttershy, she lets herself go because of the feelings forum that the hive created and she values the things peacefully in the "changeling way" (putting the tree upside down in Heart´s Warming), and lastly, Yona, in which case, she acted in a different way than expected.

> only for you the attics and humor outweighed it while for me it didn't.
I am telling you that at first, I thought this episode was a 3.5-4 out of 10 because I thought it was also too cliché. It´s just that the more that I tried to find the mistakes from it, the more I put my focus on how those details happened. And I simply took one by one and by themselves, there was nothing apparently wrong with them in my mind. If you were to put me what exactly was wrong with it, I would probably fail at that task and before making the review, I decided to watch it in the morning and that´s where I got more enjoyment than the previous time. That looked unfair to me, I felt conflicted at putting it a bad rating and I didn´t find nothing really worrisome with it. 

> that last part was more of an observation on controversy over a view that I fully hold 
yeah, though most of the fans (chan side only) found it as one of the two biggest flaws of it. 

> I haven't read any reaction period yet other than your's just now.

the other big flaw that the users saw from it was this one: It´s not exactly a quote but the general feeling is that the main complaint is the forced diversity and that they rated it badly because of the lack of ponies. 
In this complaint, besides generating useless drama, there is so much wrong that I could be writing like 3 or 4 long paragraphs on how this is beyond hypocritical. 
I will try to be short at explaining this but fans in the past (especially in season 6) wanted to expand the world and get to discover new places and species. That was called fanservice to a point and people in the early era wanted to discover the personalities from background ponies that only had one or two lines in their entire existence. 
Not to mention that a few of these opinions do show a fair amount of prejudices and focus the blame to the wrong target. Yes, some of the tears came from /pol/ can imagine the result: mixing the IRL view with the universe. 
This is even more hypocritical to me because despite knowing where those users come from and understand their reasons to be mad in this life, I don´t share that madness applied to this show.