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>>/3975/ > That is a very good comparison. in fact, I rewatched it again today. I´ve got to say that, besides knowing that it was pretty good episode (I cherish the pacing way more this time in hindsight, the Lady Writers did a great job here), there was a weird sense of nostalgia. This episode was the 2nd one I watched along with the fandom and it aired 4 years ago. So, the comparisons should be obvious. The voices of reason were Spike and Rarity who took the leadership of those ideas, all the mane 5 showed their own vision on how to decorate the castle and the episode tried to redeem the product placement that happened in the season 4 finale by putting the old tree with those little gems that show the old events that happened for those 4 seasons. The filler parts comes from Spike but those events happen just to distract Twilight from the surprise. Not only that happened but also the mane 5 redecorated a little bit other parts of the castle, most notably the table for the dining room from Rarity´s part. Uprooted follows this formula but on reverse. The product placement is the new Tree of Harmony and it hasn´t justified its creation. Does that mean Twilight´s Kingdom should be rated badly because of it? It didn´t because it was too awesome but there was a crowdfunding project in which they wanted the old treebrary back... Anyway, it follows the reverse process because in CSC, the castle was already built and they had to bring something special for it while this one, the message was to convey to build something new and adapt a new form from the new generations to come that carries an unique vision that happens just at that time. CSC messes up with the castle decorations while the mane 5 are putting their visions in practice (except in the reprise for a short moment) while the students applied their ideas after getting permissions from their kingdoms without a song. TPWWB happens at the end, delivering an uplifting but conclusive way to say that they have a solution to end this problem. After the song, that product pays off with a defined version of what the students wanted but weren´t capable of, they simply gave enough energy for the tree in order to grow and get a complete form from that fragile treehouse. The idea of a Treehouse came from Yona, who acted as the voice of reason and she explicitly said that she hadn´t liked having arguments between friends (Gallus asked for her opinion in the middle of the argument by the way). Despite having a few notable differences, the same formula was applied and I am convinced that if there is anything close to this in order to draw comparisons, it should be Castle Sweet Castle. > In fact when you word it that way, it makes me a little surprised that I don't like it. I didn´t like it at first too. Just that I tried too hard to bitch about it but I did constant pauses in order to point out the wrong things and the episode doesn´t drive to have such negative mindset. It took me like 3 times and that might be the reason why I feel that warmth with the interactions from the students. It´s more like I have reached the inability to find the complaints other fans used. > Sleepless in Ponyviille is one of my all time favorites after all. Patrician taste. That´s the best episode of S3 along with Wonderbolts Academy for me. > The student 6's attics mostly didn't click with me and their is flaws in the structure with the padding and the plot feeling a little mechanical on its set up. I'm not sure what score I'd give but it is probably a much lower one. Far from any hard feelings or butthurt though. eh that´s fine because you didn´t go bat shit insane at exposing that negativity (and that´s what lead me to care way too much about this). What I can tell is that maybe this episode has had to deal with the product placement problem and find the proper set up in order to pay off for what they want to show next.