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> It is interesting for me to have a more mixed negative reaction to it yet not being quite off in some observations from each other.
what a boring life would be if these things didn´t happen. I suppose if I started to act with fanatic thoughts, it wouldn´t drive you to think the same way. That means at least, that we have watched the same material...

> Purely mechanical.

> If they do have some explanation later that isn't an excuse I'd be just fine.
yeah but they don´t seem to show it (yet? IDK) so we are left with that question unanswered. 

> now am wondering if the special maybe a top 10 favorite with how discord was handled. 
for a premiere this late in the irde, that´s quite an achievement on its part.

> A family member has this as one of his favorites.
considering that there are so many cheesy pop songs that say nothing, I understand why he puts it in a high regard...

> I can see why you invoked it for the difference in reaction with the rest of the fandom. 
funnily enough, I only started to listen Breakfast in America last week in its entirety and I didn´t know what band composed it exactly. Considering that I´ve heard this song a million times on the radio (even today), I´ve never taken it seriously until I listened to the whole album and I focused on the lyrics. Ironic that a pop song like this would offer me those lines just in time to describe my feelings toward all this weird situation. 

> I've done way worse than that. 
beat me to grammar mistakes though.

> I'm not going to judge the student 6 till there storyline wraps up thoug
well, that´s a way to do it coldly. Like Trixie would say: "It´s a working title". 

> Those who hate them strongly already are jumping the gun a little too fast. Problem is that that most people want to hate them and something that is somewhat lackluster or questionable will turn to pure negativity quickly will that crowd.
that´s what I meant and I have posted in the previous posts why that attitude, while everyone is free to say whatever (who am I to tell what to think?), just doesn´t feel right. I´ve had to point it out in the end and say explicitly the excess coming from that hate may have got a little bit too out of hand logically speaking. I mean, not dramatic in the sense of writing death threats nor anything like that, but more like judging those prejudices and expectations that come from their personal vision. Not all of them have that so I basically focus on those two ideas that unsettled me and I couldn´t stay quiet towards those reactions.