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> yeah but they don´t seem to show it (yet? IDK) so we are left with that question unanswered. 

If they never, it's certainly a mark of idiocy against the princesses in a way I consider worse than previous times of lack of action. They were acknowledging that and tried too turn it into a fanservice moment with "hey they are finally doing something!" but the fact that they mentioned it like that made it worse because it made the outlook canon plus the craziness with the sudden retirement. 

> for a premiere this late in the irde, that´s quite an achievement on its part.

I still have my misgiveings with the princesses and to a much lesser extent with the mane6, but the strength of the other elements over did it for the positive.

>  Not all of them have that so I basically focus on those two ideas that unsettled me and I couldn´t stay quiet towards those reactions.

Oddly the way you say that reminds me of my reaction to certain political ideas IRL, but it be a rabbit hole to go down other than to say that I fully get feeling off with things like that, and feeling a little alone with it.

> but the Place Where We Belong could drive to a lot of nostalgia vibes in the future for a lot of fans.

You bet that it will. Even ones who hated the episode. They may not believe it now but for those who were originally deadset against Twicorn now feeling nostalgia for season 4. As I have said, I remember when there was a fairly sized group of season 1 nostalgiafags during season freaking 2. 

> Make This Castle A Home pays off with the reprise but the song itself shows those good vibes as well until the end. Visually speaking, these songs go in reverse, one messes up the situation (most of the time) while the other one fixes it. Different characters yet so close to each other in their concepts.

Now that feels like a certain harmony. Listening to both side by side gives me an interesting feel.