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> it's a mark of idiocy against the princesses in a way I consider worse than previous times of lack of action
the way they reacted for solving the problem doesn´t seem that they wanted that. They didn´t expect that the same day Sombra would appear and there was no reason to call them in the 1st conquest because the mane 6 didn´t have any trouble with him by then. 

> tried too turn it into a fanservice moment with hey they are finally doing something! but the fact that they mentioned it like that made it worse.
they mentioned it because they wanted to transmit the moral of calling for their help but it´s kind of questionable to know where those actions actually land. I cannot argue all that much this part because I haven´t focused on that aspect all that much while watching it. 
> I have my misgiveings 
> but the strength of the other elements over did it for the positive. 
it´s not all that perfect and while I cannot justify their plot device all that much, the enjoyment in general is  positive in terms of interactions.The perfection would go to the Return of Harmony. 

> the way you say that reminds me of my reaction to certain political ideas
> feeling off with things like that,feeling a little alone with it.
honestly, discussing about politics with that level of depth has kind of influenced me at discussing other things.I tend to avoidthose rabbit holes, not because of the topic itself but the energy that it costs to keep it and how challenging is to keep the manners during the debate (especially if the opponent is ignorant at giving arguments)  
You feel alone because there is nobody else right there to give you support so you have to rely entirely on yourself in order to gain something that you might not get in the end. If you don´t argue, they will stay like that and get convinced of their echochamber; if you do, you rely on luck and your skills for having a chance to win and/or give a valuable lesson or two. 

I will confess that discussing about MLP is sometimes much harder than politics. Politics is formulaic and you can get pretty well informed,studying the topic before entering into it, having a good quantity of confidence while explaining it. With MLP however, there are no any other sources than the episodes themselves, you are literally naked on that and it changes with each episode. There may be cheap shitposters but there are always 2/3 users that discuss on a pretty high level. If you get to change the view of /mlp/ about X episode, you are draining yourself for a show that could be irrelevant to your life.If you manage to do that,anything else will be a disappointment.

> They may not believe it now but for those who were originally deadset against Twicorn now feeling nostalgia for season 4.I remember when there was a fairly sized group of season 1 nostalgiafags during season freaking 2. 
and those happened with a good amount of drama. If one checks the past, this will follow the same cycle. I said that statement because it has the ingredients to follow it in the future. 

> that feels like a certain harmony. Listening to both side by side gives me an interesting feel.
it´s curious,I didn´t hold Make This Castle A Home with high regard other than being serviceable to its episode until this discussion happened. Comparisons are obnoxious but I think that for this case, this one brings another value them, feeling more complete, following a route that one draws after checking all the material. 

> depending on what goes on with /go/ I could be posting walls of texts myself pretty soon.
as if the /end/ couldn´t more walls of texts, it keeps going.

> Though I think the BO may like some shorter replies and shitposting. 
it will happen when one feels tired to even bother for the big replies. 

> Piece of cake when I get freetime.
"Easy as pie"
> Though this one was honestly more confy than scary, it weakened just enough to be loud without doing anything bad, nice ambiance to go to sleep to. 
Everything went alright then.