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> I honestly wonder the specifics of Shining Armour's relationship with the royal guard now. They described him as the former Captain but he sure is often there still isn't he? 
I mean, he was the former Captain of the royal guard before A Canterlot Wedding and The Crystal Empire happened (being his debut episodes by the way) and he´s been used to marshaling since his debut despite the changes of his armies. 
I suppose that he has a better deal and get to be more interpenetrated with the Empire ones and this shows....

because despite having lots of guards in Canterlot, they sure are incompetent under any leadership. He had to rely on himself by hiding behind the throne. A cheap move for redeeming his strategy. 
I suppose he was the former Captain because Flash Magnus applied to that job around season 8? I don´t know.

> I don't know how Celestia mobilized the Royal Guard in the Sombra timeline from the season 5 title to oppose him that well with the royal guards still being incompetent this season and Sombra being show to be able to destroy the freaking elements. 
they must have trained harder than they do in this timeline. Also, you are not taking into account that the Pie family and Rainbow Dash joined the army and showed their skills for the battle. About Sombra destroying the elements...I don´t know but they didn´t think about this back in 2015 nor in bringing hum back to life for this timeline. FiM is wildly known for rewriting their own ideas and twist them for the next episodes and what you say sounds like a de facto plot hole that have created themselves over time. 

> Spike and Luna working together may add a fair bit of fuel for some final season shipping or freindshipping. 
they did a story between this two in the comics that didn´t go all that well. However this episode paid off that duo and while the fuel may be nonsensical, it´s funny to think that both Rarity and Luna are voiced by Tabitha. 

> Sometimes moments like this go nowhere though with the later seasons as oppose to the first 4 do to there being so much going on and other elements having been hammered in so much that single episodes and lines have less impact at times, but it could still be something the fandom runs with. 
that period happened once. It´s really hard for something to pay off and achieve a great popularity among the fanbase without relying on what the show does. Not even the movie has managed to get that much of an impact, not even an ancient character (who would scream hype for lore) like Starswirl or a villain like Daybreaker can manage to have an impact. 
With that said, I do believe that they are going to have a little bit of fun and underestimate them less for the next episodes. These two needed to shine a bit, especially Luna.

> This is one of those episodes that maybe in a year I could either love even more or perhaps be slightly critical toward but still like.
yeah. Either way, this subtle fanservice can hold up much better than ep 100 over time so I suppose that it´s going to age nicely in comparison. 

> 9.7.5/10!
that´s a bold rating and considering the material going around for it, it guarantees a good amount of fun for anyone at anytime. This is an episode in which despite not having the deepest message or moral out there, it´s one that a fan will tend to pick for having a nice time all the way through. 

top 10 anime betrayals. Your bro tricked ya Twili.