thumbnail of TS_affraid_for_stupid_reasons.png
thumbnail of TS_affraid_for_stupid_reasons.png
TS_affraid_for_stupid... png
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Another thing that's a side note: Twilight's seemingly irrational fear of punishment from the early seasons seems back. Though I suppose it never was fully gone, it does feel more prominent and a little less well reasoned. More along the lines of TS worried about being sent to magical kindergarten and banished for stupid reasons than some of her later screw ups on things she had responsibility as a Princess which are much more rational. This type of thing was used as evidence as of Equestria having some sort of darker side to varying degrees and with the way which "Grossly Overdue Book Return Office for Ponies Who Should Know Better" goes with that old specter of strange punishments that Twilight feared that were overly simple things. In a way it's perhaps puts an explanation for them. It seems to be a system of threats of social stigmata and vaguely thrown out punishments that aren't really as bad as they appear to be from what is told/passed around in rumor in a way of scaring ponies straight. Additionally, as this moral says with perfection, it could go with Canterlot having a very competitive environment that strives for perfection and TS' freak out prone nature being actually bred from this environment, even if she was sheltered from it. Now that's a darker take that actually could work in canon, though it's far from a nightmare.