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> G1 Star Swirl? What kind of toyline from in universe... My Little Wizards? 
that detail went really meta. It´s confusing yet you laugh at it by simply asking how they managed to pull a meta nod to the universe itself.

> Some things I can see; like her not ever knowing of the return fees not stacking past a month.
because she was always responsible and her life was way simpler in which her only task consisted about the library and her studies. 

> not knowing that Dusty Pages is gone despite having dropped by both Canterlot and the Library seems rather strange. Though this is consistent from all the way back from her not knowing of the Star Swirl the bearded section in It's About Time. You can't chalk it up to new writers messing it up, it's actually them keeping consistency in a weird sort of way. If maybe accidentally. 
when you deal with past episodes, it doesn´t only raises questions about the present episode but about the past and the current idea may not reside on that theoretical past because of the writing direction. Berrow has shown nods of past episodes which is one of her biggest strengths and she took the flashbacks with tweezers and keep the subtle plotholes aside. She visited the library in Amending Fences yet she is aware of Moondancer, the curry restaurant from Spice Up Your Life and the Silver Shoals appeared in PPOV. Her episodes usually rely on showing continuity and reward those who have watched the previous episodes so maybe this doesn´t come as an incident after all.

> Need to check if they simply reused animation or reanimated it any. 
Tara Strong sounds way different in that part. For sure they have kept the original audio and simply added the book animation when it was thrown under the bookshelf. 

> What where some of the student 6 doing in that random part of equestria? 
Fanfic writers, where are you?! You are free to make implications of this little appearance! 

And nope, they haven´t appeared there because of a school trip, haven´t they?

> 90% sure it's just a random book but you never no if it could be some cameo for the endgame. Just wanted to note it.
if we were to have some foresight into single detail, then we will get into a crazy state. However, this is MLP, a show that made Starswirl real because of the costume that Twilight wore in Luna Eclipsed and brought entire species onto the table because of "one hit wonder" episodes in the early seasons,among other things. A slice of life in which nothing can be considered as filler. Anything counts.