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> Twilight's seemingly irrational fear of punishment from the early seasons
> it does feel more prominent and a little less well reasoned.
you are thinking about It´s About Time and specifically, Lesson Zero.She has grown up since those paranoid thoughts for bringing new lessons to Celestia every day for the sake of writing them and get a fake sense of accomplishment.
> More along the lines of TS worried about being sent to magical kindergarten and banished for stupid reasons than some of her later screw ups on things she had responsibility as a Princess which are much more rational.
you said it.Despite coming back to the old place she used to visit before season 1,all these experiences have made her different yet prove that nothing has changed.Her interest in books and nerdy stuff remains, the mentality from that era does not hold up because she has learned lots of practical lessons...which also applies to the fanbase.

> the way which "Grossly Overdue Book Return Office for Ponies Who Should Know Better" goes with that old specter of strange punishments that Twilight feared that were overly simple things.
> a system of threats of social stigmata and vaguely thrown out punishments that aren't really as bad as they appear to be from what is told/passed around in rumor in a way of scaring ponies straight.
say that to Japan when you copy in an exam and tell me what happens next.Of course the action itself should have a punishment as putting a zero to the exam but as big as being considered as a failure from your own family,ruining your reputation forever...that´s a stretch and college students stress a lot about their studies. There are a few suicides that happen yearly.

again,Twilight can have those dark thoughts and in some places,it doesn´t come as outlandish as one might think. The librarians here have a philosophical take and a calm view about this practice that ends up being common, not to mention that a book problem was really easy to solve by getting a new edition because of the high demand of that book. If you were to punish all the customers that hard, maybe all those users will think about it more than twice before entering in any library.

The episode wants to transmit that life can be meaningful and that perfection might not mean everything that should define you.It helps and getting more knowledge is one of the main reasons one lives in this planet.However, Dusty Pages said fuck all to that perfection and exaggerated tensions that came from her. She saw her life as too boring and as for what´s left for her, she wants to enjoy the time she couldn´t have had before and give her life a twist. Neighsay said it in School Raze´s ending (not the exact quote):"Sometimes, for getting to know yourself, you might need a whole life to understand it",he said it for his feelings towards the students.
> it could go with Canterlot having a very competitive environment that strives for perfection and TS' freak out prone nature being actually bred from this environment, even if she was sheltered from it.Now that's a darker take that actually could work in canon
now, that could work as a down to earth theory. In fact, I could go a bit further with it by saying that ponies didn´t go outside their usual places because of their fear to the unknown(Everfree Forest, other species residences...) and all the establishments may have been heaped until recently. Maybe some of that competitive environment opened up, went into different places where they needed it and give less tensions for the main library. 

> North of Vanhoover looks to be a candidate 
> the maps don't match fully match but seems close enough
I didn´t know where to locate it on the map, I thought it was at the Southwest,near Las Pegasus,simply because of the calm ocean.The locations do show flaws whenever they update them. While the movie additions are defined,the other places don´t have much thought nor show proportional distances,let alone tthe hive and the kirin village. Good luck at finding them.

If that doesn´t leave you doubting,tell me about pic related.