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> Twilight sure feels different with so much time and development behind her. It´s like watching an alien (sort of) because of how far she has gone in her trajectory, from a bookworm of Canterlot to the Princess of Friendship. 

Makes me wanna rewatch the first 3 seasons to compare. I'd like to do a grand analysis of the series of some sort. Though I do not know where to start, so I'll probably just pic certain aspects and debates run with those instead. It's creepy to me thinking how much content that will now entail, but I can't complain.

> see? This episode doesn´t have any intention to be a highlight nor surprising but philosophical and drive you to a simple lesson: stop and think about what you want to do.

This is almost a bit haunting when you put it this way as I can relate to that personally in life. In several ways.

> well, if your minor complaint is about the pacing, I honestly don´t see it (maybe the short Moondancer cameo?). 

I don't know. Its such a tiny feeling that it doesn't really bug me much. But it is there, and thinking critically I have no idea why.   

> that detail went really meta. It´s confusing yet you laugh at it by simply asking how they managed to pull a meta nod to the universe itself.

No complaints here that's for sure. Just interesting to think about from an in universe perspective (and to laugh about outside it).

> Berrow has shown nods of past episodes which is one of her biggest strengths and she took the flashbacks with tweezers and keep the subtle plotholes aside. She visited the library in Amending Fences yet she is aware of Moondancer, the curry restaurant from Spice Up Your Life and the Silver Shoals appeared in PPOV. Her episodes usually rely on showing continuity and reward those who have watched the previous episodes so maybe this doesn´t come as an incident after all.

True. If she was aware of that fact activly I wonder if she did it just to keep continuity  and allow the plot to exist  or if there could be any tiny ideas or impliactions with it that could be taken. Which reminds me of a very old MLP form post from 2012. If I ever find it it could be relevant to what I mean.

> Tara Strong sounds way different in that part. For sure they have kept the original audio and simply added the book animation when it was thrown under the bookshelf.

I need to rewatch. I was wondering if they showed her using TK with a field around objects and not just sparkles. 

> Fanfic writers, where are you?! You are free to make implications of this little appearance!

Make it /confy/!