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> say that to Japan when you copy in an exam and tell me what happens next.

Pretty much this.

> now, that could work as a down to earth theory. 

I mean from what we've seen in the show it certainly fits. Stuckup rich ponies that try to be yes ponies to a few central figures (Fancy Pants, Prince Blueblood, Princess Celestia, etc). Twilight was obviously at the very least partly sheltered by the princess, but that environment she wouldn't still be exposed to significantly. This is an interesting idea, as it could mean that some of the personality traits were much more environmental and puts an (albeit very tiny) dark twist on Twilight freak out moments.

> I could go a bit further with it by saying that ponies didn´t go outside their usual places because of their fear to the unknown(Everfree Forest, other species residences...) and all the establishments may have been heaped until recently. Maybe some of that competitive environment opened up, went into different places where they needed it and give less tensions for the main library. 

My old idea on that was more of a theory on limited transportation and communication, but this works better in light of the past 4 seasons of quick travel. I'll add onto it that the events such as the appearance of the Crystal Empire and much later the Hippogrifs probably caused ponies to be more curious of areas outside there home town. Crystal Ponies traveling Equestrian railways plus the Equestrian Games in the Chrystal Empire would've brought attention and spurred trade. Perhaps too a secondary effect of a new mass media (Gossipy Tabloids, Beginings of limmited movies, comic books, enchanted comicbooks?) Spreading more cultural curiosity at a time of much changes to a once established constant of the 1000 year reign of Celestia without her sister. 

>  I thought it was at the Southwest,near Las Pegasus,simply because of the calm ocean.

I was thinking of that at first as well, but then I looked it up and saw it mentioned on the wiki and checked the tweet source itself. It still is questionable when looking at both in show maps and comparing them. I just figured they say, "eh, close enough" but you know it could be a completely different place.

> If that doesn´t leave you doubting,tell me about pic related.

Or it could be somewhere close to the source of corruption in this world.

> The Point of No Return 's main plot device relies all the time on double standards/unclear ambivalences and the obsessions from Twilight. The next events wouldn't have happened if Twilight had stopped a little bit more and had left her obsessions aside. Notice how natural the expressions from the secondary characters are yet they are extremely calculated so Twilight wouldn't jump onto other conclusions that would lead to other actions.

Top tier. This wasn't them unnaturally bending things for a plot device that was for sure.

> A fine line that I cherish a lot because of how they have handled the dialogue. 

Indeed a fine line. It interesting to think about and makes me wanna go back with a more critical eye for background events.