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> Twilight was obviously at the very least partly sheltered by the princess, but that environment she wouldn't still be exposed to significantly
> some of the personality traits were much more environmental and puts a dark twist on Twilight freak out moments
sounds like you have headcanonized the backstory for that mentality that she showed in Lesson Zero. It complements her nervous take while she was trying to pass her test in the Cutie Mark Chronicles.She caused a great chaos with her magic beams for opening Spike´s egg

Canterlot has usually been the biggest standard where you could find the top unicorns that one would feel intimidated at first. As the seasons went on and on (with episodes like Sweet And Elite or Make Friends But Keep Discord)such environmental tensions would lessen that sense of intimidation. It follows the same trend that we get from Celestia: first she looks like the goddess and then, she gets much closer to these ordinary ponies over time, becoming a less sacred figure and acting more like an experienced mentor instead

> the events such as the appearance of the Crystal Empire and much later the Hippogrifs probably caused ponies to be more curious of areas outside there home town
the Crystal Empire definitely marked an inflection point.It was designed just to sell toys but it was the first "foreign" place that gave the idea of a bigger world and started the world building that would get more impact over time(even if Crystal ponies were nothing extraordinary but they began the introduction of fresh characters/species).The Hippogriffs simply finished the map(only the south was incomplete)and the complete establishment of the map of Equestria

> Perhaps a secondary effect of a new mass media
> Spreading more cultural curiosity at a time of much changes to a once established constant of the 1000 year reign of Celestia without her sister. 
fair enough.You wouldn´t fall too far from the canon events because the mane 6 have taught their culture to the students and it´s possible that other ponies experimented those effects before.Not to mention that the racism came from ponies in the earlier seasons and not in the latest ones(from the Equestria Games onwards),leaving the Chancellor as the exception.

> I just figured they say, "eh, close enough" but it could be a completely different place. 
same.It doesn´t bother me all that much though. 

> it could be somewhere close to the source of corruption in this world. 
we are talking about a spot from the West almost out of bounds,you can speculate almost anything.

> This wasn't them unnaturally bending things for a plot device that was for sure. 
> interesting to think about and makes me wanna go back with a more critical eye for background events.
this could be one of the reasons this episode could be a grower.The plot might look simple and dull but the way it´s driven subtly,it might not be so easy to pull out on practice.Whenever you rewatch it,focus on the supporting cast and you will see how all of them help for driving to lead one complex path instead of the faster solutions.

> Snips and Snails of all ponies would be more relvant than Diamound Tira and Silver Spoon toward the last season
Snails definitely got a 2nd chance with Buckball Season. From a stupid one joke character that could have entered in the top 10 least favorite ponies, to a little retard that gives you a smile and actually serve for the plot to keep going. Impressive how such useless characters that served to Trixie back then have had a better take from the writers. 

Patton´s daughter voiced her character along with her parents in the same room.Their smiles in the ending give an idea of what might have happened while recording it.No way the main ideas for episodes like this or the 200th one came because of spontaneous thoughts during the process

Celestia is the owner of Facebook.I don´t know about you but I fear for the information of her previous students at her school. That picture could explain why she has played 4d chess so much and trolled the rest of the cast