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>>/4072/ > know that feel as you know that I know inb4 we imply what we have known for a year and a half. And yes, the ups and downs take the rollercoaster route at times. Not every single day one is goign to think about entire posts that take up the double of space of an average /mlp/ post. The rare practice of any chan is what we have been doing. If we shitposted all the time, we would have reached a larger number even though the mentality wouldn´t have ended up being the same. > I can get into productive periods (I have several things that are half done). I have had a fair bit of IRL stuff come up especially around the anniversary I wonder when my productive periods will come, maybe if I have luck during these two months, I will have time for something. I try to balance it with the discussions however. Since December,you´ve been carrying the productive torch this year and there´s no competition for that. > its all just compiling links with a little archiving on the side. yeah, just like me whenever I get to see reviews of certain albums out there. > It's now an event that I divide different eras of my life with. Like in remembering a event if something happened before or after it would be a factor. I mean, I know that you tend to mark the era with personal events but putting a chan as one of the main factors for it, that´s like the most antinatural path one could take. For a personal level, sure but not all the people out there have to know about it unless they are interested or ask about the topic. > I wouldn't go that far. in comparison to my experience, it is. I had one little blow for realizing a little bit about life but I didn´t get that need to find it tragic because I didn´t share moments with her that my brain would remember fondly. I barely interacted with her in comparison to your case. > this was her 2nd chance on life. > I had already dealt with once even if this came out of nowhere. Besides, a death that close is still a death that affects you deeply, even if you weren't close to the person in question it still removes a background constant and brings sadness around. I don´t know what´s sadder out of the two paths. Either having a full recovery for a while and then lose every single progress and illusion that you had had all that time all of a sudden or admit from the start that your family member would be inevitably done before the death comes. Sometimes extending the process of such thoughts makes it more suffering than a direct death that simply happens overnight. Mostly because you have had to deal with it twice, as if the first affection was a setup for the real one. How can one live with that in mind?