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> I have to say she did a pretty good job for being an IRL filly. Not 100%, but most of th lines she nailed alright.
yeah, there are no complaints about that.

> a little strange depending on how you read it.
well, you need to interpret a few subtle details out there. Considering that Jim has posted a lot of tweets behind the production of this episode, you would take a guess why all of this has happened and was translated into a public episode.

> This had a good bit more going into it than filler and fanservice that's for sure. 
probably both episodes have their good amount of context in the show but as for fanservice...I know that Stranger than Fanfcition and Buckball Season were well received episodes (for a season like the 6th one) but I cannot notice the fanservice except having VA celebrities again. I guess Weird Al fits more to the term fanservice than Patton in this case, especially when you take into account that this episode felt more personal for him this time.

>  it is something that occupies multiple states and is a special place that's hard to classify.
if we put on the Aristotelian mode, that would be placed in the middle of the road to balance it. I cannot blame you because I can´t put a clear tag to this show either.  It´s done a lot of things over the years that in the end, stands as its main appeal.

> I can think of if he was just freaking out and being melodramatic
well, not even halfway there. Considering these kind of clichés, writers normally put this character into an ignorant mode just to keep the plot going. 

> we have seen urbanized and particularly elite ponies being portrayed as completely obtuse
oh yeah,so much elitism for those standards. Well, you cannot get worse than the royal guard, can you?

> before on very simple maters and his lack of knowledge seemed pretty sincere... 
well, that´s what saves the episode from its own clichés and the humble nature of this show comes in. Another factor that prevented it from being formulaic is that Clear Sky also helped him to solve the problem rather than being the only objective of the episode.

> It could be pretty condemning evidence of the upper middle to rich classes education. 
it´s not the money what defines a brain but the interest from one self. I had read once that rich people are less observant about their surroundings mostly because they worry much less than the lower classes who have to look at every penny all the time. Also, their education relies on their method, not on money. Having a lot of resources help but that factor doesn´t manage to be the main key for their level. I wonder if they entered in Celestia´s school and passed easily the courses.

> there are ways to rationalize it and joke about it.
considering the latest episode, it proves that she gets really excited about stuff that she hasn´t seen before. Does that mean she is interested whenever she discover new things?