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> Grogar mentions millennia that he has been trying to get his bell at Mt Everhoof. That's pretty long time. 
yet all that time lapse is the same: 1000 years....just like Celestia did with her sister´s banishment. Coincidence that they use the same amount of time for such events? I think not.

> when they had the darker creatures and the shield I could buy Grogar actually not being able to get to it for so long.
I still believe that Grogar could have made it by himself and just put these three into a challenge, just to test them. He´s reserving his own energy for future events that will require all of its power. 

> Better than I could buy a lot of the other obstacles/nurfs for the more powerful characters. 
indeed. The location itself didn´t need to be that challenging but more like a test of teamwork. The mindset in order to beat is what counts the most for the achievement.

> Them hiding the bell so close is something that is stupid but it served a thematic use and a visual story hint to younger viewers, so it passes in my book. 
it was obvious but it needed that exposure. Being more subtle could lead to a couple of posters not getting it and start an argument about plotholes.

> This show certainly has gone past its roots. 
this show has jumped the shark so many times that the shark has applied the job in MLP in order to jump with certain frequency. MLP doesn´t fear to jump the shark at all, they own and deal with it.

> I was surprised when Cozy Glow happily bragged of backstabbing so bluntly and Crissy saying that Tirek had it handed to his hindquarters. This would never been said in season 2. 
the episode could have gone into a pretty dark direction at anytime. However, when she admits that she would be capable of doing that, you don´t do it. You announce it beforehand and the enemy would take that into consideration and get prepared. Even Chysalis shouted: "Betrayal!" when they conspired about using her. That line went meta and it was an honest view from Cozy Glow. Without faking her smile, she admitted that and it worked for the comedy effect. 
> The latter line being an actual substitute just one word handed in the ass it's something I'd say that's almost too close. 
yeah, it´s almost like the writers know their audience, let alone if there are teenagers watching it instead of kids....

> New possible direction: Crissy, Cozy and Tirek may defeat everypony while they are evil only to realize the virtue of friendship at the end. It would fulfill them having never defeated Equestria on their own while also proving friendship's power to them.
yeah. It´s the most likely route to take. I wonder if Chrysalis is going to have the transformation and how she is going to look like whenever she feels that friendship for real.

The moral would turn out to be that you can feel good about yourself by helping others to feel good, so that healthy practice becomes as something good of your own and get that fulfillment from the inside. They have rejected it because of pride and cut it halfway there but we can tell where this is going.