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> One of which is how competent she was in her endeavorers solo. When they first split up my first thought was them all being utterly humiliated and being taught to work together 
they were doomed to be like that but the cliché of underpowering characters whenever they become good doesn´t apply (well, they aren´t good will characters but when villains take the lead role, they usually appear with a handicap). 
But indeed, Chrysalis has shown to be really competent and I will say that she has more common sense in her plans than in A Canterlot Wedding. Her big headed mentality disappeared as soon as she almost got injured by the wind. 

> I didn't expect to see that from a plot prospective, because of how the show usually makes a character stupider or sm over the enemy/obstacle stronger or more cleaver in later seasons a lot of times. 
I should have read this better before typing these lines. That moment also works for a comedy effect. Menacing scary creature appears and the protagonists just laughs at its appearance in their own way. This isn´t new at all. Rarity did the same with the Everfree Forest in It isn´t the Mane Thing About You, she showed that madness to not only her friends but to all the ones that surrounded her, including the creatures hidden in the forest, meaning that the ponies just no longer care about them. 

> her changing into a Ursa Minor and simply moving the tree aside was something that would be certainly in her power if our little student six changeling can do similar feats
yep, by bringing the heavy fountain temporarily in Uprooted. The main question would be how much energy it costs for the changeling to transform into bigger creatures and use that level of strength.

> when she mentioned that meal was the best in a long time and she had done that entire journey in what is supposed to be a weakened state compared to her feeding on Cadence's love for Shining... The only problem with this is that was she so powerful and competent in this episode that it outright conflicts with previous appearances? 
probably. Either that or she is hungry but keeps enough strength just to avoid her own disintegration. Power level discussions always lead to confusions and these kind of plotholes, depending on the writers´ coffee they take while they are writing the episodes. 

> Her character was handled perfectly here and I do mean it. Her refusal and continued reminding of everypony she was a queen. Her banter, her causal use of her power to mock Twilight Sparkle. This is more important than any magical feat in quality from an objective messure. It felt like she was perfectly utilized fully on all fronts in a way I almost can't believe. This was a breakout performance for her.
this is why I consider this episode as some form of fanservice. All what you are describing is almost the same that happened to my view about Celestia when she got to shine in the last two seasons.
All those character traits came from her, no changelings nor mean ponies to help her, just her own mind and vision about what she wants to do by herself. That banter makes her a rounder character than all her previous appearances. Besides her acting as a villain getting obsessed with taking all the power, what exactly defined her? 

Her development is reminding me a lot of Trixie (and Kathleen Barr is the same VA for both characters ironically enough): she acts like an usual villain in her debut, the 2nd appearance gets to have a revenge and from the 3rd episode onwards, you notice what she actually thinks in her ordinary actions. We noticed that she was getting a psycho mentality because of her loneliness and now, we get all of this.

I will add to your words this single moment when she felt all her failures and the sense of accomplishing nothing for herself. Without her magic, she has realized about her true weakness hidden in constant denial. She didn´t manage to get these feeling in the season 6 finale but she had to feel powerless just to point out her mistakes that she made in the past.