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> This may come as a surprise to y'all but I have never really given who my favorite villain character was much thought.
I didn´t give them much thought either. Mostly because over time, the show shines in character interactions. Villains are cool and all for getting epic moments by causing a contrast but what sells here more is about what the characters offer on their own. You give these thoughts because we have had a chance to see them doing something different from their theoretical role they should have. Only Grogar is the most typical villain in comparison to these three. 

This same happened with Trixie. Lots of fans loved her from the start but didn´t know how to justify her character. Until No Second Prances, some fans didn´t understand her hype at all. 
Same here with Tirek, Cozy Glow and especially Chrysalis, there is another layer in their personalities that add grey stuff to their actions instead of doing awful actions all the time, so they gain a different appreciation other than the one stuck with them.

> I'd have to be utterly insane to if I did? 
it was a rhetorical condition. I had watched the poll from /mlp/ before typing my post and the majority gave it a 10. 

> both of those episodes character brought new and cool stuff to the table. 
that´s the thing. Despite that mixed reaction from you (I have met more anons who share that same view), I see it as the point where the writers managed to experiment and apply all those previous efforts to characters that weren´t as recognizable as the mane 6/CMC. They succeeded and kept going....until this happened. It was a logical step to take but still, one doesn´t know what to expect from this show. 

> This episode was amazing. That's all I can say.

> There is so much to talk about and... I have far more to say, now its getting late but ya can count me on the hype train for sure. 
that´s a good thing and it certainly brings hope for what´s left this season and the special. The writers haven´t become lazy and they are proving to take new paths about the characters at this late point of the show.I have yet to find an awful episode yet despite that negative reaction about Uprooted from a lot of fans. 

> God bless, goodnight live long and prosper, happy early christmas and...BRING ON THE SEASON!
Happy early Christmas for this spring. Now, I am waiting for the ones with the swimsuit on (the special) and the Halloween Heart´s Warming finale.

Those should be good.