> are you me? I had no expectations save going into the streaming site and click on it. I prefer not to think about the episodes beforehand.
Sometimes I'm you for sure. I don't like to judge an episode before it airs. Sometimes though I will think on and speculate, this one however wasn't one of those times other than the most base curiosity with slight reservations.
> the best part is that despite dedicating time to the villains, it felt like an episode that you would get from the mane 6. The core spirit of the show was here all the time and this might be the reason this episode has beaten all our expectations.
Like the song! I can't believe I forgot to mention the song! Yeah, it certainly was great.
> hrysalis was an archetype of a villain but didn´t gave her much backstory save her desire for the power. It´s in episodes like this, in a slice of life episode, you slowly get to notice her reactions and her inner thoughts
I agree with you here more than with Celestia. That's basically all she was, an archetype. This is the most I've been drawn to her personally. She had a personality here
> you could notice that they were minor villains in comparison to Grogar. However, Grogar´s orb might have revealed him that they had found the bell and makes you wonder
> I still believe that Grogar could have made it by himself and just put these three into a challenge, just to test them. He´s reserving his own energy for future events that will require all of its power.
That is something I did think about afterwards. It seems like it make a bit more since. The shield even almost looked like his magic.
> it was obvious but it needed that exposure. Being more subtle could lead to a couple of posters not getting it and start an argument about plotholes.
It's stupid to waste time over tiny stuff. Like those "younger" doomfags. Than again, perhaps I do read into tiny background stuff a lot...
> yeah, it´s almost like the writers know their audience, let alone if there are teenagers watching it instead of kids....
> yeah. It´s the most likely route to take. I wonder if Chrysalis is going to have the transformation and how she is going to look like whenever she feels that friendship for real.
Make her pink and Cadence like for irony over normal reindeer puke green that a lot of the changelings have.
> The moral would turn out to be that you can feel good about yourself by helping others to feel good, so that healthy practice becomes as something good of your own and get that fulfillment from the inside. They have rejected it because of pride and cut it halfway there but we can tell where this is going.
That is gonna be a moral or close to it with these regardless of plot content of the final.