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> I should have read this better before typing these lines. That moment also works for a comedy effect. Menacing scary creature appears and the protagonists just laughs at its appearance in their own way. This isn´t new at all. Rarity did the same with the Everfree Forest in It isn´t the Mane Thing About You, she showed that madness to not only her friends but to all the ones that surrounded her, including the creatures hidden in the forest, meaning that the ponies just no longer care about them.
This is indeed true. I was thinking from a utilitarian standpoint of obstacles and progression over from the simple fact that it could serve that comedic purpose for its own end. 

>  (well, they aren´t good will characters but when villains take the lead role, they usually appear with a handicap).
> But indeed, Chrysalis has shown to be really competent and I will say that she has more common sense in her plans than in A Canterlot Wedding. Her big headed mentality disappeared as soon as she almost got injured by the wind. 
This still applies though. She was good, almost too good for her compared other appearances. 

> yep, by bringing the heavy fountain temporarily in Uprooted. The main question would be how much energy it costs for the changeling to transform into bigger creatures and use that level of strength.
Whatever Ocellus could do it would be completely reasonable to expect Chrysalis to be a least a few steps above. Speaking on power though...

> Power level discussions always lead to confusions and these kind of plotholes, depending on the writers´ coffee they take while they are writing the episodes. 
Power level does matter in the show, sort of... This season ,  where I wonder if they keep mentioning Grogar's great power is a set up with Discord of some sort... perhaps a death even  It take me awhile to explain my thoughts on power levels and nurfing (which I may do in awhile), but let me just say that power does not result in good characters and I think there is a different dynamic at play.

> I will add to your words this single moment when she felt all her failures and the sense of accomplishing nothing for herself. Without her magic, she has realized about her true weakness hidden in constant denial.
That was a pretty powerful moment. Their was a tiny part of me wondering if they'd go some darker route even if I had detected where I thought they go with the teamwork angle.