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> all the same, suicide should be legal, in a sense, people should not be so bigoted with the predominant theese days "must live at all costs" ideology.
each to their own. Nobody knows when someone actually commits suicide. It shouldn´t be taboo and sometimes, the reasons behind it transmit a lot of message to us, but people...
> Suicide is called the easy way out not without a reason, and there's literally nothing wrong with taking this option.
does this, sadly.

I don´t know what to add on this topic. You have pretty much sum up all the desolations and misjudgements behind it.

> Also, there is always a big deal with coming clean with one's beliefs (aka. avoiding hypocrisy), yet things get horribly overlooked here, in this department.

Shitposting usually comes with a character and a superficial mask as a defense force. That´s usual when things are pretty revolted or uncomfortable.
Now, when someone actually comes with clean beliefs or serious opinion about X subject, I hold myself before responding anything that would come from a clown.
I guess, irony is the cool tool to use. Easy and for all the family.

Definitely overlooked t b h but, who puts the patterns to behave anyway?