thumbnail of Invert_contrast_and_brightness_mess_with_color_slides_too
thumbnail of Invert_contrast_and_brightness_mess_with_color_slides_too
(486.36 KB, 0x0)
> I knew that before this post, you had used more than effect just to arrive at this picture. I had never seen a similar edit that you had show before. 

> Judging it without knowing the Photoshop effects, it seems that you used a derivative negative effect.

It looks like a more stylized contrast filter. I'm trying to  repeat the process, I know I changed the contrast and messed with some contrast and color filters but it seems like there was something else.

> Normally, I would save a few copies of the process just to have a checkpoint/base material for the next step and apply the inductive method. 

When I'm not messing around and being serious that could be a good idea, the only problem is when I'm in a bit of a zone and don't want to think about it if ya get what I mean.

Nice color addentions with that seapony Luna. I also like the lighting as well.