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Next,Going to Seed, Episode 10

> This episode I really like. The setting was real cozy. I liked the Great Seedling plot and how it slowly escalated in a normal not overdone way.
as usual, AJ episode about her family are less interesting from the start because we know all their values. However, they have managed to lead this situation into a sisterly moment that recalls earlier seasons. I must say that they have achieved to write AJ in a more relatable way, leaving her rural aspects aside and letting an universal message to shine.
> Being entirely on Sweet Apple Acres was fun, especially with no quick travel to any location. They didn't detour to them going to get Golden Delicious, just had her show up. Heck, even the flash back was on Sweet Apple Acres. All the characters sans Granny Smith shined here. 
it feels weird that we have had only one location all the time without relying on Ponyville at all, something that not even season 1 managed to do with fewer places. In contrast to the open world that we have seen in these seasons, it shows that episodes can work effectively without moving somewhere else, the characters are what actually matter in the end. I like how these episodes only rely on the necessary ingredients just to carry the entire plot/idea. Only the Apple Family in Sweet Apple Acres? Why not?  

> Not saying Granny Smith was bad, just that she was more playing support and didn't do much beyond what she'd normally do in any other episode she was in. 
agreed, she helped to recover AJ´s childish illusions and encouraged her subtly to have fun while working on the farm. 

> Granny wasn't bad, just she didn't have a roll to play lke that.  
which shows that having more characters doesn´t mean that they are going to be that important. They were five and as you say 
> Apple Jack's dynamic with Apple Bloom being the strongest character performance. The rest just fit in. Golden Delicious telling Apple Bloom of the great seeding and urging her on. Big Macintosh slowly having more work put on him and being tired and grumpy till you find out that he is the one causing the attics in the first place. 
all of them set up the "conflict" (including the Great Seedling), put their little grain and freshen the interactions between the protagonists. 

> I really like, dare I say possibly love, this episode. 8/10. This feels like another Sleepless in Ponyville. 
> I won't be surprised if the this ends up being one of my favorites when the season is done. 
it´s a charming episode indeed and quite possibly a silent grower. I only watched it once and while I don´t have a strong connection with it because of the lack of a 2nd try, I haven´t had a moment in which I felt uncomfortable watching it. It´s possibly the prejudices towards the Apple family but sometimes less is more.

I am not sure about my rating about it but it´s at least a 7/10. There are no episodes that feel wrong here and I am impressed about the consistency of quality exposed in general for this season. 

All the characters did their own part, the setup was simple yet effective, we´ve got AJ interacting like a child and we´ve got a simple message: illusions never age and everyone is hyped towards their biggest dreams. This reaffirms the line of adults being grown up kids. I will probably rate this higher because of how useful was AJ for such a timeless moral like this and not having the handicap of her countryside attitude that has lacked the attraction for little girls.