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> Why am I saying all of this? Just to tell that Fluttershy serves for these plot devices amazingly well,as if these situations were natural from the very beginning.

> while you are classifying the episode with two subplots, your vision clashes a bit with the episode itself mostly because they get combined right at the middle of it. It doesn´t look as obvious as the Crystalling for example, which the episode tells clearly the two simultaneous resolutions.

Watched again, I think I agree with you. Doesn't change my rating because 7 for me is a satisfactory but isn't above the normal level. 

> yeah a little bit strange. Maybe the trip to the Dragonlands wasn´t one week but the entire stay that Smolder would need in order to communicate with her brother properly. But yeah, it sounds weird considering that changelings or even Terramar in the latest episode has managed to visit Ponyville in a pretty short time (and it makes less sense considering the needed signatures of Uprooted with the students visiting their own homelands).

It's the opposite mentality. Especially with how things work now a days. It almost reminds me of the time when they were on the way to Canterlot overnight. If I can get my act together enough, it'd be interesting to study and see how quick travle applies over the seasons. 

> shipfags BTFO!An Asleigh Ball character is combined with another one from her. Double win for the VA, she must love herself.

Reckon it was throwing shade at the EqD crew?

> as usual, AJ episode about her family are less interesting from the start because we know all their values.

> while I don´t have a strong connection with it because of the lack of a 2nd try, I haven´t had a moment in which I felt uncomfortable watching it. It´s possibly the prejudices towards the Apple family but sometimes less is more.

Not a big fan of the Apple family? Yeah, I think I can get that from a standpoint of them being written kind of blandly . Some episodes I enjoy some I find a little bland. Generally though slightly to moderately bland is usually inoffensive to me but I understand stronger dislike. I mean  I didn't like Uprooted after all for partly that  though I thought it was also quite structurally flawed. 

> AJ in a more relatable way, leaving her rural aspects aside and letting an universal message to shine.

I don't think it's the rural aspect in itself as much as it is bad writing. Think of it, Rarity was written to be stereotype rich pretty sassy lady of culture and she was given the element of generosity. Her expanding career ambitions have been often in conflict with her element and her role. There also has been side conflicts with obligations, social standing and secondary issues that aren't just that core gimmick. Apple Jack is written as a typical American rural stereotype, which is often just a vague mix of Texas, the south and Nashville country music with little distinction. She is played completely straight most of the time, sometimes having good moments. The rest of the Apple Family to varying degrees can also feel like hollow shells of this same thing. It's played completely straight. There isn't contrast or culture. Sweet Apple Acres is sometimes a source of conflict, but it certainly hasn't in the way of Raity's business. It hasn't grown, hasn't had many containing plot threads, or even been used to its full potential. It's just a set piece most of the time. You could improve it by either drawing deeper than the typical rural sterotype in culture and base in source for plot (How about drawing on some Cowboy and farming lore as a source of plot?) or, something I'd be think be easily done even with the same bland slate, have a little bit of contrast beyond the template of them being cookie cutter rural cowboy folk. Some character traits beyond it that are emphasized. Than you could go somewhere. 

> A big plot twist would have been that Thorax could disguise himself as the Great Seedling and he