> wouldn´t need to do a big effort at transforming into it, taking into account how awfully similar they are.

Now that'd could be kind of fun. Wouldn't it be cool to have him moonlighting as that. Hmmmmmmm... Perhaps you could even have a plot point of various changeling getting jobs playing different creatures for the fun of foals or for plays.

> Deers have appeared in the Best Gift Ever and they have actually shown less fantastical elements from their lore and put those benevolent actions into the front. As old stories are usually told, they are more legendary in their narrative than having said "mystical" creatures in action.

Yeah. That is true. Hold on... I'm gonna have to check some episodes before I get fully back to ya on this one. I have something of a point to make but I want to make sure it is a full observation that makes sense.

> I ended up enjoying this one the most.

And I should of. All the ingredients are there...

> them running into the forest is a consequence of such worries from her creator. It doesn´t help that Silverstream didn´t think about telling to her family that she was focusing on her project instead. The whole conflict was created just to show that Dolores should find by herself a balance between dealing with her job and having free time with her friends. 

That's what the message was used for. But for me (on my first viewing, I got interrupted on my second and only got halfway through) the ingredients don't flow as organically to that plot point. Perhaps as you say-

> it compiles lots of previous ingredients into a one way episode. It brings up the cockatrices again, Dolores´s quartet, Mud Briar and Terramar for a single plot device by also using the school and the Castle of the Two Sisters. An episode that is supposed to emulate Uncommon Bond,Stare Master,Once Upon A Zeppelin and The End in Friend for a different purpose. 

the reason it feels jumbled to me is because of this fact of all it was trying to do at once. It would actual still go with my point of things feeling meshed together from slice of life and action. I don't think that itself is bad. Often Slice of Life episodes have had action climaxes. For my first viewing at and a half, this episode just felt a little out of left field for me.

> well, let´s see if you can find it but I didn´t find it all that bothersome. 

And you shouldn't. For me it was a intangible feeling below, and one that I  cannot hold against its quality untill I understand for it.

> I think no fan expected to have this combination and unlike Going to Seed, this one proves the capability of the wider connections and possibilities that were established before in the show, wildly different from each other.Not only those two but they have managed to find an excuse to use a background pony like Roseluck for the plot. 

I will certainly be giving this episode another chance  well, chance maybe a strong word considering my rating sits at 7/10  It will require me to watch again (and maybe again) and rewatching a few older episodes to gain a feel. (So maybe a prefect project for the mid season hiatus). Because, even still, there was a fair bit of things I liked quite a lot.