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> Wouldn't it be cool to have him moonlighting as that. Hmmmmmmm... Perhaps you could even have a plot point of various changeling getting jobs playing different creatures for the fun of foals or for plays.
that could work as a pretty good plot device if changeling interacted with ponies more often and give them some childish entertainment. I mostly said that (and not the only who thinks about it) because of the design.

> I'm gonna have to check some episodes before I get fully back to ya on this one. I have something of a point to make but I want to make sure it is a full observation that makes sense. 
alright, fair enough. Take your time for that comment.

> All the ingredients are there...
considering that back when I explained Uprooted and you felt like you would have the ingredients but in the end you couldn´t see it, it´s not extraordinary not to feel a strong connection towards the episode. I felt like that when I watched The Cutie Remark back in 2015: cool scenes, different timelines compiling all the villains and a redemption in it but it felt wrong for me at the time. I might see that finale with better eyes in retrospective but something irked me after watching it.

> That's what the message was used for. But for me (on my first viewing, I got interrupted on my second and only got halfway through) the ingredients don't flow as organically to that plot point.
I should give these episodes a second watch along with the new CMC episode too. And as you say:
> Perhaps as you say- 
> the reason it feels jumbled to me is because of this fact of all it was trying to do at once. It would actual still go with my point of things feeling meshed together from slice of life and action. I don't think that itself is bad. Often Slice of Life episodes have had action climaxes. For my first viewing at and a half, this episode just felt a little out of left field for me. 
I tried to locate and understand where you got those conclusions and the roots of that disconnection. I get that criticism and one reason that I appreciate it is that it hasn´t come as awkward as in theory it should be.I point at the big cast involved for the conflict that,without making you ask how it happens, serves as an excuse to use them at once. We are not used to seeing half of these characters in action and a couple of them were protagonists in their introductory episodes but here, they work as a group facing a creature like cockatrices. 

I have mostly criticized the episode from a writing standpoint and a character like Mud Briar is not as easy to match with other characters as it seems, much less taking into account that his episode was considered a low point (for a reason) for season 8. Tell me an excuse to pair him in a group with Terramar without forcing the situation... the fact that this episode has gained a better reception from /mlp/ (it got 8s as the most common rating) surprises me from a theoretical standpoint. 

> it was a intangible feeling below, and one that I cannot hold against its quality untill I understand for it.
well, I hope that my take on it helps to guess where that feeling actually comes from.

> It will require me to watch again (and maybe again) and rewatching a few older episodes to gain a feel. (So maybe a prefect project for the mid season hiatus). 
don´t worry,it took me like 4 tries or so to judge Uprooted and if I were to judge older episodes, I would need a couple of tries as well (one for refreshing the material and the other for splitting the analysis and coming up with the general view of it)

> Because, even still, there was a fair bit of things I liked quite a lot.
well, at least it managed to bring a good time. In general, all these episodes still deliver and they make me feel less worried about the rest that are going to come. I still expect a blunder or two just in case I don´t get the disappointment by surprise.