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> I was thinking from a utilitarian standpoint of obstacles and progression over from the simple fact that it could serve that comedic purpose for its own end.
it´s mostly that from a writing standpoint. There was nothing else going on for it. One could write a dramatic fanfic about that situation but we all know how MLP avoids at taking itself too seriously.

> She was good, almost too good for her compared other appearances.
well, there you have that layer for her. She has learned about her previous defeats and she wants to face the mane 6 again after warming up completely with herself and now, with the whole legion. The main flaw for her in A Canterlot Wedding was the excess of confidence in her actions and it looks that she is focusing on the problems as they come. She is strong but she is reserving herself to prove that she actually has that amount of power.

> Power level does matter in the show, sort of 
it´s not that I deny it. I certainly try to avoid that topic because it´s tricky to deal with it in general.It´s truly inconsistent for the most part and it´s the situational tool for resolving a few plots out there without requiring further explanation.

> let me just say that power does not result in good characters and I think there is a different dynamic at play.
for the good ones is a tool for moving the plot forward and considering the vast different amount of writers contributing in this show, you would have to squeeze your brain to death just to put a serious take of logic with the levels of magic of each character.

> I wonder if they keep mentioning Grogar's great power is a set up with Discord of some sort perhaps a death even
as if the premiere wasn´t almost dramatic enough for him. 

> Their was a tiny part of me wondering if they'd go some darker route even if I had detected where I thought they go with the teamwork angle.
this line is important because it could serve as a valid argument for justifying a possible redemption. The fact that they hadn´t betrayed between themselves at that moment and take as you say, a darker route, says a lot and it implies that they cannot reach the pure evil mode all the time. It means that they have cared about themselves and shown a bit of chemistry that wouldn´t share towards others for a moment.

> Trixie was part of that whole process of the background ponies with a lot of it drawn on her just having a good design plus assumptions, only with here we had more to work with. Indeed she has evolved.
eeeyup that charm about her actually came later and we are seeing how entertaining she is in the latest episodes without relying too much in her catchphrase that distinguished her back then from the rest. 

> Take that nieghsayers! 
BTFO. I wonder how they slept during that night.

> I hope there is one more episode at least involving them before the final. 
I expect one or two before the finale. They need to provoke the settings before the last big attack happens.

> But other than Uprooted and some elements of the opener, this season has been much better for me than last so far. 
and we have avoided Non Compete Clause with Sweet And Smoky so where do I have to sign in order to keep this level of quality?

> Is there going to be another heart's warming eve special?
I meant the Best Gift Ever as an irony for celebrating Christmas in the show,airing on TV in a different period instead of the intended one. 

> I was never a pessimist with this season, I will officially change my mood from cautious but curious too cautiously optimistic. 
this. I share almost all your thoughts in this post and taking into account the latest ones, at least we are getting a pretty nice first half.What else can happen next? I don´t know but we cannot say that MLP has had a season rot here, neither shows any signs of facing one.

> Iwonder how they will wrap up the Student 6,Twilight taking over as princess, and the speculation of villains taking the center stage all in one final
eeyup, if anything the finale is pretty much the material that one should be worried about at this point