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it can perfectly lead to interesting at least.I haven´t considered it too much until this edit but as I say, too easy to mess it up at random and really hard to master its aesthetic in an artistic way.Either the results end up in a postmodern mess or it gets a breath of fresh air
out of these,emboss fortunately works pretty nicely because of the curvy lines in her design.The filter cleans up and creates a contrast that helps at telling her body structure.
> looks like another Ice Celestia theme. I like it pretty well.
I could have posted it long ago but as I say in my previous post, I felt that something was lacking in that image that didn´t satisfy me completely.

> Makes it feel like buried treasure amongst the trash, and you are trying to bring it to its potential. 
that´s the point of editing leftovers from the artist needed tag or pictures that have little to no upvotes that can be potentially polished. I simply save a few images while clicking page after page for images that no one would post.
> so the final correction base is the one in you used as the fallback for your others?
eeeyup,I stopped removing the glitches with the corrector and I simply went through the ordinary editing again until I got the finished product.

I didn´t imagine that I would make a parody of this album at first, I am amazed that it manage to look so close to the original that I still cannot believe it.My main focus was about removing the errors and I kind of gave up at that point with those forms around Celestia left at random. 
I listened to that record again because of the news about a leak of minidiscs of 18 hours and I looked at the cover again. I cannot help but loving it visually (the music too but that´s another story) and when I posted it here, I couldn´t believe the results. 

> This ponification of th album is my favorite. It has a nice atmosphere to it.
getting to combine both things and create a symbiosis between them leaves me out words. I will say that I wanted to have an experimental edit with the black and white coloring but I didn´t expect to have it with this one.I didn´t have this picture in high regard at all because it has stayed there in the folder for 7 months or so. 

> I can understand the fear of cringe, as both ponification and the dark and gothic could get you shouted with dead meme well, partly dead meme and deviart tier taste
> I've had way crazier ponify for the shake of ponifing urges than that
yeah thanks. I will say though that the album cover art helped me to get a different expression for the picture and I saw it more like a solution after correcting the picture for more than an hour and not like a straight parody of it. Any fan likes to ponify everything but I won´t deny that music has influenced a lot when it comes to fics and in some way, through the edits. As if it wasn´t clear with the lo-fi edits you have a more explicit product of this statement

> A 3rd is the flame edit.
> orrection base and final the pre flame one which just feels like its in a lackluster state of incompleteness.
yeah,I felt like looking for the heat effect because of her Daybreaker side. It didn´t translate as nicely as it sounds in theory.
Also, you said that image seems like it´s a buried treasure from the trash. Did I comment properly about the original picture? I realized that the "psychedelic" effect isn´t that original from the original artist. Looking back at it, the image mashes up a vector of Celestia with questionable color decisions and the background...I didn´t notice this but it had the Hub logo and Twilight´s face behind, hidden between blurriness and the screenshots looks like it was taken in reverse
Can you imagine that the glitches were coming from Twilight´s face/eyes? I didn´t realize about it after comparing the edits with the original.  I don´t usually like showing ego here but this is the closest thing that I have turned into something that could be seen as artistic from a sample that it wasn´t at its core.

And yes, the official edit for this picture is the AMSP cover edit.