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And finally, let´s talk about Applejack (how am I going to handle this?) So the controversial view about her isn´t so obvious at first but it could probably induce to opinions that I have a certain amount of hate towards her. If one expected hate or negativity for the sake of hating, this is not the most correct opinion to rely on. So where is the problem with her? Well, she has been one of the 6 protagonists, doing a diverse amount of tasks and heroic acts along with the mane 6, showing a pretty mature down to earth attitude and helping Twilight to keep her mind sane in a few decisions (take the role for the voice of reason) and all of that works perfectly......when she is supporting the cast. I sounded as if I had complained about the Apple Family in general or the Sweet Apple Acres, maybe one would understand this as if they were boring in comparison to the new places/species we´ve got. And nope, I don´t have issues with the members of her family because: Well, Granny Smith. In theory, she should have been of the most boring characters out there and in the first episodes, she acts as the typical granny but as episodes went on, we know that the Tabitha effect shows in a certain way. She is a little bit more trickster than AJ and her age doesn´t prevent her from bringing some comedy and even deliver an episode like Grannies Gone Wild, which basically parodied Golden Girls and was capable to translate all those sitcom traits in that ep. It means that she looks innocent and an out of style character but they have proved to bring a couple of surprises over the seasons, meaning that one shouldn´t look down at her because of her conditions (see her craziness in Leap of Faith) About Big Mac, this character simply served for a catchphrase in the beginning, nothing more than a supporting character. He had stayed that way for a long time but as the writers needed new plots, they began to give a few new traits to secondary characters or even 2nd tier protagonists (Spike, Luna for example) and one of them was Big Mac. He still shows that supporting role (Going to Seed) but after all his shining spots, his presence has become less indifferent in general and more influential about the actions in Ponyville. Enough with this introduction, what truly showed that Big Mac could be capable of leading episodes, restless and not simply caring about the farm, were his sincerity towards Apple Bloom, finding a girlfriend like Sugar Belle and spending a little bit of free time with Spike and Discord. These traits came because of his concerns, he has faced these challenges because of his own will. Does this mean that he has abandoned the old traits? Absolutely not just that there is something more going for him, there are layers that one could potentially write about him. Lastly, we have Apple Bloom. Any fan would probably associate her more with her CMC adventures than the apple family issues (even though this falls closely into a 2nd place in her character traits). Her character has been following an arc of getting her cutie mark for 5 seasons and she has learned lessons from different sources while growing up little by little. She doesn´t only act as the voice of reason at times for the group but has also taken the lead most of the times for the next idea the CMC wanted to step in. Far from staying one dimensional, she has done a great variety of activities than the rest of her family (save AJ) despite traveling to less places than her sister and one wouldn´t consider her as boring. In fact, she shows an energetic spirit and while she doesn´t shine in honesty as much as her sister, she puts her family traces in very different situations. So far, it doesn´t seem that I have written anything controversial, why have I described all of this in the first place?Well...