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the previous post served to describe that I don´t have a particular problem with the Apple Family by itself neither do the single characters on their own. I forgot about describing about the Sweet Apple Acres and let me tell you something, the apple farm could be a more memorable and charming location than the entirety of Ponyville. The latter doesn´t have a clear map of its design, meaning that it can be confusing at picturing it into your mind while the Sweet Apple Acres show a clear yet simple design that has stayed timeless design. That doesn´t mean the place is boring by itself, it does bring a sense of coziness. We have had the entire of Going to Seed in it and it has been the main location for a conflicting problem like Bats!. The farm might be more memorable than three quarters of Ponyville actually. 

So leaving the apple family and the farm aside, let´s face Applejack as a character. What´s the matter with her? 
Well, the problem is that there have been so many episodes about her that one should be appreciating her presence all the time. She shows three main character traits: honesty, down to earth attitude that care about her family and a solid mindset all the time. Does this mean that I am against those virtues? Absolutely not, they are really valuable and she proves that those values are basic in order to keep a society in order. 

What irks me the most is that despite all her good will and intentions, she is the least commercial character to write about. Whenever you get to write about her, anyone can see clearly how she acts without any mistakes. You see her actions coming from a long mile and she proves to do them either way, whether we are watching a season 1 episode or a season 8 story. Really easy to have her basics established and pretty hard to make her out of character in any story (Somepony to Watch Over Me did that in the wrong way though). 

The problem is that her basics prevent her from adding more layers to her that could make the viewer scream as something secondary about her character. Her maturity and honesty made her a full fleshed out character from the very beginning and unlike the rest of the main 6, writers have attempted and failed for the most part to make her interesting because of her own creation, driving one to think that she is an obliging mare. She sometimes shines pretty well with those traits and the closest arc she has received is the Flim Flam episodes: The Best Gift Ever and Viva Las Pegasus. Interesting happen around her but not because she makes the interesting, others have to motivate the plot instead: Sounds of Silence (Autumn Blaze), The Mane Attraction(Rara) and the Pie family (Heartbreakers, Pinkie Apple Pie). 

Those episodes that I have mentioned are some of my all time favorites because she contributes well enough in them but I complain that she is not of the main driving forces. She is pleasant enough and there has to be an outsider to drive her at doing different actions that she usually does. This could be the reason Going to Seed will grow on me and add a little bit more praise from my part because from her own will, she decided to catch the Great Seedling.