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I do not think there is much disagreement here from me at all. I do not know how much I can add because I really think this sums it up
>  So my controversy doesn´t mean that I hate her nor I despise her. It means that it frustrates me that AJ hasn´t been capable of getting more layers because of her attitude, unlike the rest of her family. 

I take you to my point,
> She is played completely straight most of the time

She is a one trick pony. Little depth or personality beyoud that core archetype. It ain't bad as a default setting, but with nothing else happening. She feels like the character that has least been broken from her archetype she has been placed on. The others have sometimes been rocky but always got something (Rainbow Dash loving books for a simple example) not to mention having learned at evolved.

> I sounded as if I had complained about the Apple Family in general or the Sweet Apple Acres, maybe one would understand this as if they were boring in comparison to the new places/species we´ve got. And nope, I don´t have issues with the members of her family because:

Because some of them still grew. What I was saying here:
> The rest of the Apple Family to varying degrees can also feel like hollow shells of this same thing. It's played completely straight. There isn't contrast or culture.

I perhaps should've worded this a bit more nuanced, but I was working on the assumption that you didn't like the Apple family and you found the stereotype and setting boring, and I was saying I could understand that. I have personally considered some of the Apple family characters some of the weaker written ones of the show. While the core Apples grew, they still started in pretty average rolls. Not all of it bad mind you, but played very straight. I could see those who saw Granny as boring  even if I personally don't  and Apple Bloom was the weakest written of the CMC, not bad, but she had a bit more of a one note personality till later seasons. I stress, she wasn't badly written, but it seemed like Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle had better secondary issues and secondary personalty traits for awhile. I was thinking too of the lesser side Apple family characters like Braeburn as well. I could understand, and sometimes agree, of their appearances and personalties being weaker and sometimes a little bland. I say this with someone who has more rural connections than the average city slicker. 

> the previous post served to describe that I don´t have a particular problem with the Apple Family by itself neither do the single characters on their own. I forgot about describing about the Sweet Apple Acres and let me tell you something, the apple farm could be a more memorable and charming location than the entirety of Ponyville. The latter doesn´t have a clear map of its design

I love Sweet Apple Arces.Though...
> There isn't contrast or culture. Sweet Apple Acres is sometimes a source of conflict, but it certainly hasn't in the way of Raity's business. It hasn't grown, hasn't had many containing plot threads, or even been used to its full potential. It's just a set piece most of the time. 

Sounds a little harsh doesn't it? I was thinking in terms of AJ having a character arch from it and it not evolving i the same way of other places. Stuff just sort of popping in and out, no expansions, and being the same place in a Ponyville that grew with the seasons while it was just kind of sitting. It being a constant was not bad, just felt sort of stagnant and a little in compression  Rarity's, Twilight Sparkle's and Rainbow Dash's paths especially. It had some good cozy feels though for sure though. Perhaps I need to separate the farm from the farmer. 
My personal thoughts on the Apple family have usually been neutral to positive, aside from some concerns over I what I feel to be ruralness that felt weaker than other thematic elements of culture groups. I suppose this could extent both to Earth ponies as a whole (though the situation is a bit better) and perhaps compressed down to AJ herself.