thumbnail of Screenshot from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 912 - The Last Crusade [380p].mp4 - 13.png
thumbnail of Screenshot from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 912 - The Last Crusade [380p].mp4 - 13.png
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Scootaloo's parents I feel the most mixed on. There can be a pretty strong case made for and against them. On the one hoof, what would we be complaining about if we never saw her parents ? Their would be butthurt over it and I understand them trying to tie a loose end. I don't hate them and this episode taken as a vacuum, I don't think thy are that bad. You could complain of arbitrariness but I think their was more than a random logic in making them these adventurer researchers. It does fit in a way. They were in Ponyville to study the Everfree forest, when they found most everything they could there, they left for more dangerous places and didn't feel comfortable bringing their daughter. I think it could've been a glories opportunity with Scootaloo's implied disabilities that she has parents who are quite outdoors man adventurers, but now that almost feels like a wasted opportunity.

Their is part of these characters though that feel a little fanficish and possibly a little cheap. It feels like "see Scootaloo had awesome parents this whole time!" I'm not sure I'm willing to go that far, but I wouldn't blame those who felt that way. TBH, I think one issue that I can't hold fully against them is that they weren't introduced before this, though it does feel like they are a bit too late to be used well. I'm not sure they would have been the same characters...
> Me. Growing up, I never thought I'd be the best at anything, because nopony ever told me.

Is this irreconcilable? Not quite, but it isn't something that fits perfectly either. It could be grafted on about her not having somepony to support in the sense that she has her parents absent but it feels of a darker context in episode. I can see the case of feeling like they just popped outta nowhere and just feel inconsistent with the whole arc. I also can understand the disappointment in some if this does turn out to be the last CMC episode, though I'm of a mixed mind if I share it or not. 

Final rating: IDK, I'm been split from giving this as high as an 8 to as low as a 5. I feel the most of the issues ar around the episode rather than within, but I'm of a mixed mind on some aspects. Especially if this was the last Cutie Mark Cusaders episode focused on the arch of their jobs. Though it could be not. I withhold my rating for now, as I feel completely split.

Other notes:
1) At least DT got to wave... better than I can say for Babs Seed, who was just a background pony. Don't hold this at fault for the episode though.
2) It would've been interesting to have had this whole multiple ponies taking care of Scootaloo thing revealed earlier! Doesn't a Scootaloo with somepony like Rarity sound like an interesting setting?
3) I love the photo development room.