thumbnail of scootaloo_with_her_aunts_by_taneysha_dd9jowc-pre.jpg
thumbnail of scootaloo_with_her_aunts_by_taneysha_dd9jowc-pre.jpg
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it seems that your review about sounds pretty plausible and you seem to go from the least controversial part to the biggest one when it comes to the episode's quality. As you say,there is no material to explicitly point out at Scootaloo's aunts for being lesbians if it weren't because of a few screams from the users and the show staff for giving more fuel to them on Twitter. In short, throwing drama at each other so the rest gets to witness another duel with certain politics in mind.

As soon as I read you post from earlier, I knew that those two didn't cause the problem but the inviduals who broke the headcanon of Scootaloo being an orphan: her parents. Their introduction and especially the message shown with their decision being a lot of meat to cut. 

I should give this episode a 2nd watch because I was mostly focused about the drama of Scoot's aunts. With them aside, one begin to get into the roots of your mixed feelings about it. I do have seen a thread or two complaining solely about her parents on /mlp/ but I want to figure it out for myself and how problematic the real deal was here.

This is a PoLS by adding a few words to it but I should give the complete thoughts in detail about it at some point.  Despite not living there,I think the weather doesn't look quite as rough as last night. Everything seems to lead to a sunny summer solstice over there

If it turned out to become the villain of gen 5, Grogar in comparison would look majestic when it comes to the design. I suppose that we might have seen it in the Everfree Forest before,probably the episode The End in Friend or something that would appear in a swamp.